The Woodsman Foundation
Support the campaign!
Support the campaign!
The Woodsman Foundation. Estd 2018. Our main focus is towards victims of any kind of child abuse. We want to raise the awareness around physical, mental and sexual abuse, - focusing on children and young adults.
The donations goes to trusted organizations that does great work to prevent and to help and support those who suffers from abusive childhoods. You wanna help? Feel free to donate any sum you like to this charity by clicking on the PayPal donate button. Every contribution counts, big or small.
At the end of each year, all the money we manage to raise goes to a great cause supporting those who really needs it. Every small act of kindness moves the world in a better direction.
Do you know about great individuals or organizations any where in the world that does great work preventing child abuse? Please use the contact form and let us know about them. Every tip is highly appreciated and will be considered.
Thank you for your interest and for the support to get every child a safe childhood.
If you don't use PayPal, feel free to use bank transfer:
Payment Details
The Woodsman Foundation
Account No/ Kontonummer: 1203.04.14177
Iban: NO7012030414177